[Amps] I answered it.

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Sat Jan 29 06:38:32 PST 2011

I missed this question on the first pass. When the amplifier is tuned for  
maximum power out, the Q has virtually nothing to do with peak tank circuit  
voltages. It has everything to do with circulating currents and that will  
increase losses if the Q is too high.
Peak voltages are related to the power generated and plate load impedance.  
RMS voltage =  square root of power times impedance when the tank is loaded 
 and resonant. Peak voltage is 1.414 times rms voltage.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 1/29/2011 7:36:18 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com writes:

Hi   Steve Cook:

> The question I watching for an answer to was:
>  I the Q changes (because the tank L is set to a non optimal inductance
>  value) what happens to the voltages across the plate tune and antenna
>  loading capacitors.
> The original question, as I read it, did not  address open antenna
> connections or the like.
> So for me, if I  want to operate on 10MHz with my Kenwood TL-922 amp
> which does not  have a setting for 10MHz -- do I need to operate at
> reduced voltage to  keep the tank voltages from soaring?
> Did I get the question  wrong?
> I still don't know what the answer is.
> What happens to  the tank voltages when the Q goes up or down due to the
> setting of the  tank inductance???

A well asked question.  I didn't  recall the original question.
First we are allowed only 200 Watts, so 3dB  over a 100 Watt transceiver 
will not be noticeable.  If 
the "tank" is  not resonant the efficiency will be extremely low, if the 
transformer ratio is  
incorrect (the two capacitors form a auto-transformer) because of the  
incorrect inductance the 
loading will be too high or too low,  depending.  The "plate tune" 
capacitor can easily arc at the  
capacitor, it is unlikely that the "loading capacitor" would arc as the  
load will remain across it.
BTW:  Wikipedia says "CW only" and the  ARRL says "RTTY and data" ??? and 
it is only good for 
contacts within USA,  so I see no use for using it without some special 
Ron  KA4INM - If you have any criticism for me constructive or  otherwise
keep it to yourself, at my age I just don't care  anymore.
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