[Amps] Amps Digest, Vol 99, Issue 6

Wayne Rogers n1wr at chesapeake.net
Fri Mar 4 13:08:14 PST 2011

Thanks Bill, Carl and others.  Yes - I obviously have something wrong here. 
I have a couple suggestions on how to trace down the problem - and will 
start hunting next week after the contest this weekend.  I'll let you all 
know what I find.

73 Wayne N1WR

> From: Fuqua, Bill L
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 12:15 AM
> To: Robrk
> Subject: RE: [Amps] 4-1000 Bias
>      I would find out why the there is a no-signal grid current.
> Something must be wrong with metering circuit or there is some RF drive 
> but any sort of parasitic oscillation usually
> produces loads of plate current.
>      If I recall at around 5.5kV or 6kV with zero volts bias and no drive 
> the plate dissipation
> does get close to 1kW.  Makes for a nice glow. But as soon as you provide 
> some drive
> the plate glow drops indicating a decrease in dissipation.
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