[Amps] Deactivation Of Account

Dufraine, Nancy (DSHS/CA) NADU300 at dshs.wa.gov
Mon Mar 21 06:14:37 PDT 2011

This is to inform you that Your mailbox has exceeded the storage limit which is 20GB as set up by our administrator service center, you are currently running on 20.9GB,To re-validate your mailbox  please Click Here <https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHItSVVUdTdZdkNsSEpfVjRxdERWREE6MQ>  to verify. Make sure put correct data  to increase your mail size, We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your anticipated  co-operation.Note: Failure to comply may result lose of your account within 24 hours.Thanks. System Administrator Center .

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