[Amps] Expert Amps 2K-FA query
Charles Harpole
k4vud at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 25 01:40:01 PDT 2012
The only spec I can not find about most amplifiers is how much RF power can it pass ON STANDBY. Anyone know about this or other amps??
Explanation: With the advent of the new 200 watt (and 400 watt) transceivers, two amplifiers (that I know of) state that they should not be exposed to more than 100 watts when on stand-by/bypass switch position. The Alpha 87a says no 200watts, and the specs on the new but not available Yaesu VL-2000 state there is a special switch to use if 200 watts is to be pushed thru it on stand-by.
Being able to quickly switch to 200 watts is handy if one wishes to comply with the rules specifying "use the lowest power necessary for a QSO." A neglected but real part of ham radio regulations/rules, and of course, the mark of a good operator, too.
A further question I have is WHAT ABOUT IF THE AMPLIFIER IS FULLY OFF? If the amp is OFF, is there still a reason not to put 200 watts through it???
And, what is the bad result of pushing 200watts into any amplifier when on Standby or Off ????
Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks to the smart guys who can answer. 73
PS: It appears that most amplifiers are designed to always be used, given multiple ant outputs,so2r, etc., true?
Charles Harpole
k4vud at hotmail.com
> Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 07:55:05 +0100
> From: mike at tubby.org
> To: dickw1ksz at gmail.com
> CC: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Expert Amps 2K-FA: Any Opinions ?
> On 25/04/2012 02:20, Richard Solomon wrote:
> > I am just about giving up on ever seeing the YAESU VL-2000 materialize
> > in my lifetime.
> >
> > I did get pointed to the Expert Amps 2K-FA Amp and was wondering if
> > anyone has one
> > or has any opinions on it. There was some chatter over on the
> > Contesting list, but I don't
> > have access to that list.
> >
> > At $7.5K +/-, it bears investigating before I plunk down my HEC.
> >
> > 73, Dick, W1KSZ
> > ______________________________________
> I can't speak for the Expert 2K-FA, but we used a 1F-KA in CQWW WPX this
> year and it performed flawlessly over 48 hours and only tripped out a
> couple of times when people did something silly like switching antennas
> without re-tuning (which is to be expected and welcomed).
> If the 2K-FA works as well as the 1K-FA then I would be happy with one!
> Impressive feature set including:
> * 2KW on 1.8-30MHz and 1800W on 6m
> * 6 x antenna connections
> * 2 x Rig connections
> * additional SO2R RX output
> * 2 x CAT control for Yaesu/Icom/Kenwood/Tentec/Elecraft
> * USB remote control
> US website:
> http://www.expertampsusa.com/
> G4UJS's own page:
> http://g4ujs.shacknet.nu/2k-fa.html
> From recollection they can be had for EUR €4750.00 FOB Rome, Italy - if
> you are prepared to arrange your own shipping, customs, import duty, etc.
> I want one to replace my aged, but still very good, TL922 ;-)
> Mike G8TIC/G2W
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