[Amps] Expert Amps 2K-FA: Any Opinions ?

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Wed Apr 25 06:37:18 PDT 2012

The so called SO2R capability is problematic for most conditions as
it uses a separate multiband antenna for the non transmitting radio.
It does not work well with the typical antenna system containing a
"double" switch and severely limits the performance available from
the second radio.

I would also be concerned about cooling (and noise) with that much
dissipation in such a small box.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 4/25/2012 2:55 AM, Mike Tubby wrote:
> On 25/04/2012 02:20, Richard Solomon wrote:
>> I am just about giving up on ever seeing the YAESU VL-2000 materialize
>> in my lifetime.
>> I did get pointed to the Expert Amps 2K-FA Amp and was wondering if
>> anyone has one
>> or has any opinions on it. There was some chatter over on the
>> Contesting list, but I don't
>> have access to that list.
>> At $7.5K +/-, it bears investigating before I plunk down my HEC.
>> 73, Dick, W1KSZ
>> ______________________________________
> I can't speak for the Expert 2K-FA, but we used a 1F-KA in CQWW WPX this
> year and it performed flawlessly over 48 hours and only tripped out a
> couple of times when people did something silly like switching antennas
> without re-tuning (which is to be expected and welcomed).
> If the 2K-FA works as well as the 1K-FA then I would be happy with one!
> Impressive feature set including:
> * 2KW on 1.8-30MHz and 1800W on 6m
> * 6 x antenna connections
> * 2 x Rig connections
> * additional SO2R RX output
> * 2 x CAT control for Yaesu/Icom/Kenwood/Tentec/Elecraft
> * USB remote control
> US website:
> http://www.expertampsusa.com/
> G4UJS's own page:
> http://g4ujs.shacknet.nu/2k-fa.html
>   From recollection they can be had for EUR €4750.00 FOB Rome, Italy - if
> you are prepared to arrange your own shipping, customs, import duty, etc.
> I want one to replace my aged, but still very good, TL922 ;-)
> Mike G8TIC/G2W
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