[Amps] Expert Amps 2K-FA: Any Opinions ?
Paul Christensen
w9ac at arrl.net
Wed Apr 25 06:57:49 PDT 2012
> I would also be concerned about cooling (and noise) with that much
dissipation in such a small box.
I have the 1K version of the SPE amp. Nice, compact and reliable design.
If the League's QST product review is to believed, IMD performance is
excellent for a solid-state design.
No contesting here but when using CW in say....a 2-3 minute exchange, the PA
deck becomes quite hot and the fans are running "full tilt," resulting in
what sounds like a jet engine. That, together with output power that
changes with PA deck temperature seems to be problematic with most
commercial solid-state amps. SPE does use a very well designed protection
system. In effect, a high-speed bus is created to kill bias to the PA
transistors when one of about a half-dozen faults occur.
I like the amp for its instant-on, compact design, but I would never use it
as a replacement for a good VT amp. I saw the 2K amp recently at the
Orlando hamfest and for folks wanting a solid-state amp, I think it's worth
considering. But if noise in the shack is bothersome issue, ask other
owners about noise level with varying duty-cycle at full output power.
I believe the 2K version has a vacuum relay option that adds several hundred
dollars to the purchase price. In my 1K, its T/R frame relays were way too
loud. I ended up modifying the amp's logic for use with an Ameritron QSK-5.
The interface between the two units is optically isolated and a schematic is
shown on my QRZ.com page. Much happier with this arrangement as it's fast,
silent, and no truncation of keyed elements.
Paul, W9AC
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