[Amps] K3 spike problem

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Fri Aug 17 18:57:47 PDT 2012

Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:11:02 -0700
From: Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] K3 spike problem

On 8/16/2012 5:59 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> In addition, if Charlie is using external ALC (he does not say) and
> has the K3's power control set too high, he will see the spike due
> to ALC time constants*in the amplifier*.

It should be noted that when high quality rigs like the K3 are used to 
drive a power amp, amplifier output power should be set by using just 
enough drive power, NOT by setting drive power higher and using ALC to 
reduce it. For at least 30 years, Ten Tec has recommended AGAINST using 
ALC with their rigs and power amps in this manner. The only good reason 
for using ALC between a power amp and a transceiver is to protect the 
amp in case of a failure in the antenna system.

###  Unless the amp has a front panel adjustable ALC  control knob,
it won’t work anyway.  Also, the alc time constant in the  amp  HAS
to match the alc time constant in the XCVR..and NONE of em do..
so don’t waste your time.

In an excellent applications note on the topic, Tom, W8JI, noted that 
many rigs produce a spike of their full power output when their drive 
level is set well below full power. For those rigs Tom recommends a 
passive attenuator between the rig and the amplifier. The K3 is NOT one 
of those rigs -- indeed, it is quite well behaved. It's also one of the 
cleanest rigs on the air.

###  IOW, if the amp requires 50 watts of drive, then use a 3 db pad between
the xcvr and amp, then run the xcvr at 100 w output.   IE: the pad is used to
control the power output, and not any control in the amp.  If 25w drive required,
then a 6db  pad is  required.  Any pad is a PITA.   The 3db pad has to be rated
for at least 50 w CCS.   The 6 db pad has to be rated for at least  75 watts CCS. 
Then you also lose   3-6db on RX... which is the last thing you want. 

##  a simpler approach to adjustable po  is to just put –9vdc across a 50 k
pot...then feed 0-9 vdc (neg)   into the alc buss  on the xcvr.   Crank po
control on xcvr to max... then adjust pot for desired output..from 0-max.
No alc time constants to mess with,  since you have already developed the 
alc voltage  with your –9vdc source.   And no spike problem.  

##  The K3 is NOT a clean xcvr on ssb.   It has typ lousy imd... like –29 db pep
for IMD3.   That’s on a par with sweep tubes from the 70’s.   It only does 100 w
pep out, and I require a  200-250w pep put xcvr..so no K3 on my desk. 
Ten tec  needs to go back to the drawing board, and
build a competitive xcvr.... not one that’s  suited  for cw only + grid driven

Jim  VE7RF  

73, Jim K9YC

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