[Amps] Available Class A in Yaesu

Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 18 04:22:22 PDT 2012

Correction:  xcvrs with choice to xmit Class A are, at least, the following:  FT-1000MP Mark V, FT-9000Contest, FT-9000d, and FT-9000MP.  The latter three also have a bias adjustment on the front panel to slide Class A downward away from pure Class A in SSB or CW modes.  I burned up a Mark V by running it full Class A (only choice on that rig) and at about 40 watts... great techs tried to fix it and it blew two more sets of finals before I lost track of it.  Morale, do not run a Mark V in Class A.  Today, I own K3f, FT-9000d, and IC-7800, as well as KWM-2A, and several other rigs.  Very fun to compare them.GL 73
Charles Harpole
k4vud at hotmail.com   
 > From: jim.thom at telus.net
> To: crc at cyberlink.bc.ca; amps at contesting.com
> Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2012 00:09:29 -0700
> Subject: [Amps] Re K3
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Fern
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 9:11 PM
> To: Jim Thomson ; amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re K3
> Jim:
>       Where in the world are you getting your misinformation from re the K3?
> You don't own one so quit running the darn radio down. Most of us ham don't
> run any more than the legal power of 1500 watts so there's no need for a 200
> watt exciter. I happen to have Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu rigs and by far, the
> K3 has them all beat without a doubt. It would be nice if people would quit
> running down equipment that they don't even own.
> ###  good info Fern.   Tell you what I will do.  I will  buy one next 
> week....with the
> provisio if I don't like it,  I can get a full refund for it.   I'm getting 
> tired of one flop after
> another after another for every xcvr that comes out.   I have yet to own any 
> of em, that work right,
> designed right... outa the box.
> ##  since u have all the fancy test gear, do us all a favour and measure the 
> 2 tone TX imd at
> 120 w pep out, ( or what ever max power on ssb is), and do it on all bands, 
> including warc.
> Do it the correct way, not the arrl fubar method either.   IE:  db below one 
> tone of a 2 tone signal.
> Then give us the results for imd 3-5-7-9-11-13.
> ##  while you are at it, measure the RX audio THD and max po of the k3's 
> audio section.
> I've been in the
> communications business for over 50 years with owning my own business for
> over 25 years so I think that I have a bit of an  idea as to what I'm
> talking about as I have on my disposal all of the test equipment to check
> this all out.
>     The output power on the K3 is just over 120 watts dc (key down on mine)
> not 100 W pep as you stated. 99% of legal hf amplifiers don't require any
> more than 100 watts to drive them to full 1500 W allowed power. No offense
> Jim, I'm just stating the facts.
> Fern
> ###  allowed power is  2250 w pep... AFTER feed line loss.  IE:  measured at 
> the ant
> feed point.  With just .5 db loss= 11% loss,  the amp has to put out 2528 w, 
> just to get
> 2250 w pep at the feedpoint.   1db loss = 21% loss. Now we require 2850 w 
> out.... to
> get 2250w at the ant.
> ##  I only have one grid driven amp here, (its being sold),
> the rest are GG.   The hb 3x3  will do 2.5 kw pep out with real low 
> IMD..with just 100 w
> pep  drive.  But that is a moot point if the xcvr is not up to snuff.   The 
> arrl lab tested
> the k3 at -29 db pep  for IMD3.  That's  -23 db below one tone of a 2 tone 
> signal.
> That doesn't meet any standard, ITU, mine, or anybody else's.
> ##  what's the point of me having an amp capable of -59 db pep for IMD3.... 
> if I don't
> have the mating clean  xcvr to drive it with.
> ##  fact is, a  55 year old  KWM2  will eat the k3  for breakfast, as far as 
> TX imd.
> Your typ 200w  SS xcvr, when run at 100-120w pep out, is fairly clean.   The 
> only class A
> 100 w pep out xcvr out there is the yaesu 400w version of the 9000.    And 
> even that xcvr
> has enough problems.
> ## BTW, can you put the K3's  sub rx  on a different band than the main RX.
> Jim  VE7RF
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:57 PM
> Subject: [Amps] K3 spike problem
> > Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:11:02 -0700
> > From: Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> > Subject: Re: [Amps] K3 spike problem
> >
> > On 8/16/2012 5:59 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
> >> In addition, if Charlie is using external ALC (he does not say) and
> >> has the K3's power control set too high, he will see the spike due
> >> to ALC time constants*in the amplifier*.
> >
> > It should be noted that when high quality rigs like the K3 are used to
> > drive a power amp, amplifier output power should be set by using just
> > enough drive power, NOT by setting drive power higher and using ALC to
> > reduce it. For at least 30 years, Ten Tec has recommended AGAINST using
> > ALC with their rigs and power amps in this manner. The only good reason
> > for using ALC between a power amp and a transceiver is to protect the
> > amp in case of a failure in the antenna system.
> >
> > ###  Unless the amp has a front panel adjustable ALC  control knob,
> > it won't work anyway.  Also, the alc time constant in the  amp  HAS
> > to match the alc time constant in the XCVR..and NONE of em do..
> > so don't waste your time.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > In an excellent applications note on the topic, Tom, W8JI, noted that
> > many rigs produce a spike of their full power output when their drive
> > level is set well below full power. For those rigs Tom recommends a
> > passive attenuator between the rig and the amplifier. The K3 is NOT one
> > of those rigs -- indeed, it is quite well behaved. It's also one of the
> > cleanest rigs on the air.
> >
> > ###  IOW, if the amp requires 50 watts of drive, then use a 3 db pad 
> > between
> > the xcvr and amp, then run the xcvr at 100 w output.   IE: the pad is used 
> > to
> > control the power output, and not any control in the amp.  If 25w drive 
> > required,
> > then a 6db  pad is  required.  Any pad is a PITA.   The 3db pad has to be 
> > rated
> > for at least 50 w CCS.   The 6 db pad has to be rated for at least  75 
> > watts CCS.
> > Then you also lose   3-6db on RX... which is the last thing you want.
> >
> > ##  a simpler approach to adjustable po  is to just put -9vdc across a 50 
> > k
> > pot...then feed 0-9 vdc (neg)   into the alc buss  on the xcvr.   Crank po
> > control on xcvr to max... then adjust pot for desired output..from 0-max.
> > No alc time constants to mess with,  since you have already developed the
> > alc voltage  with your -9vdc source.   And no spike problem.
> >
> >
> >
> > ##  The K3 is NOT a clean xcvr on ssb.   It has typ lousy imd... like -29 
> > db pep
> > for IMD3.   That's on a par with sweep tubes from the 70's.   It only does 
> > 100 w
> > pep out, and I require a  200-250w pep put xcvr..so no K3 on my desk.
> > Ten tec  needs to go back to the drawing board, and
> > build a competitive xcvr.... not one that's  suited  for cw only + grid 
> > driven
> > tetrodes.
> >
> > Jim  VE7RF
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> >
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> >
> π 
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