[Amps] Re K3
Jim Thomson
jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Aug 18 00:09:29 PDT 2012
-----Original Message-----
From: Fern
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 9:11 PM
To: Jim Thomson ; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re K3
Where in the world are you getting your misinformation from re the K3?
You don't own one so quit running the darn radio down. Most of us ham don't
run any more than the legal power of 1500 watts so there's no need for a 200
watt exciter. I happen to have Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu rigs and by far, the
K3 has them all beat without a doubt. It would be nice if people would quit
running down equipment that they don't even own.
### good info Fern. Tell you what I will do. I will buy one next
week....with the
provisio if I don't like it, I can get a full refund for it. I'm getting
tired of one flop after
another after another for every xcvr that comes out. I have yet to own any
of em, that work right,
designed right... outa the box.
## since u have all the fancy test gear, do us all a favour and measure the
2 tone TX imd at
120 w pep out, ( or what ever max power on ssb is), and do it on all bands,
including warc.
Do it the correct way, not the arrl fubar method either. IE: db below one
tone of a 2 tone signal.
Then give us the results for imd 3-5-7-9-11-13.
## while you are at it, measure the RX audio THD and max po of the k3's
audio section.
I've been in the
communications business for over 50 years with owning my own business for
over 25 years so I think that I have a bit of an idea as to what I'm
talking about as I have on my disposal all of the test equipment to check
this all out.
The output power on the K3 is just over 120 watts dc (key down on mine)
not 100 W pep as you stated. 99% of legal hf amplifiers don't require any
more than 100 watts to drive them to full 1500 W allowed power. No offense
Jim, I'm just stating the facts.
### allowed power is 2250 w pep... AFTER feed line loss. IE: measured at
the ant
feed point. With just .5 db loss= 11% loss, the amp has to put out 2528 w,
just to get
2250 w pep at the feedpoint. 1db loss = 21% loss. Now we require 2850 w
out.... to
get 2250w at the ant.
## I only have one grid driven amp here, (its being sold),
the rest are GG. The hb 3x3 will do 2.5 kw pep out with real low
IMD..with just 100 w
pep drive. But that is a moot point if the xcvr is not up to snuff. The
arrl lab tested
the k3 at -29 db pep for IMD3. That's -23 db below one tone of a 2 tone
That doesn't meet any standard, ITU, mine, or anybody else's.
## what's the point of me having an amp capable of -59 db pep for IMD3....
if I don't
have the mating clean xcvr to drive it with.
## fact is, a 55 year old KWM2 will eat the k3 for breakfast, as far as
TX imd.
Your typ 200w SS xcvr, when run at 100-120w pep out, is fairly clean. The
only class A
100 w pep out xcvr out there is the yaesu 400w version of the 9000. And
even that xcvr
has enough problems.
## BTW, can you put the K3's sub rx on a different band than the main RX.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:57 PM
Subject: [Amps] K3 spike problem
> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:11:02 -0700
> From: Jim Brown <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] K3 spike problem
> On 8/16/2012 5:59 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:
>> In addition, if Charlie is using external ALC (he does not say) and
>> has the K3's power control set too high, he will see the spike due
>> to ALC time constants*in the amplifier*.
> It should be noted that when high quality rigs like the K3 are used to
> drive a power amp, amplifier output power should be set by using just
> enough drive power, NOT by setting drive power higher and using ALC to
> reduce it. For at least 30 years, Ten Tec has recommended AGAINST using
> ALC with their rigs and power amps in this manner. The only good reason
> for using ALC between a power amp and a transceiver is to protect the
> amp in case of a failure in the antenna system.
> ### Unless the amp has a front panel adjustable ALC control knob,
> it won’t work anyway. Also, the alc time constant in the amp HAS
> to match the alc time constant in the XCVR..and NONE of em do..
> so don’t waste your time.
> In an excellent applications note on the topic, Tom, W8JI, noted that
> many rigs produce a spike of their full power output when their drive
> level is set well below full power. For those rigs Tom recommends a
> passive attenuator between the rig and the amplifier. The K3 is NOT one
> of those rigs -- indeed, it is quite well behaved. It's also one of the
> cleanest rigs on the air.
> ### IOW, if the amp requires 50 watts of drive, then use a 3 db pad
> between
> the xcvr and amp, then run the xcvr at 100 w output. IE: the pad is used
> to
> control the power output, and not any control in the amp. If 25w drive
> required,
> then a 6db pad is required. Any pad is a PITA. The 3db pad has to be
> rated
> for at least 50 w CCS. The 6 db pad has to be rated for at least 75
> watts CCS.
> Then you also lose 3-6db on RX... which is the last thing you want.
> ## a simpler approach to adjustable po is to just put –9vdc across a 50
> k
> pot...then feed 0-9 vdc (neg) into the alc buss on the xcvr. Crank po
> control on xcvr to max... then adjust pot for desired output..from 0-max.
> No alc time constants to mess with, since you have already developed the
> alc voltage with your –9vdc source. And no spike problem.
> ## The K3 is NOT a clean xcvr on ssb. It has typ lousy imd... like –29
> db pep
> for IMD3. That’s on a par with sweep tubes from the 70’s. It only does
> 100 w
> pep out, and I require a 200-250w pep put xcvr..so no K3 on my desk.
> Ten tec needs to go back to the drawing board, and
> build a competitive xcvr.... not one that’s suited for cw only + grid
> driven
> tetrodes.
> Jim VE7RF
> 73, Jim K9YC
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