[Amps] Different amp recommendations

Charlie Young weeksmgr at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 6 13:35:50 PST 2012

I have two  AL-82 amplifiers, plus an Alpha 77DX, an AL-1500  and an assortment of other amplifiers.   The one I use 90% of the time is the AL-82, precisely because it takes a licking and keeps on ticking.  It is the Ford or Chevy pickup truck of legal limit amplifiers.  
I can change bands with it in 10 or 15 seconds, and don't have to baby it during tuneup.  It has no trouble producing legal limit output on any band.  One of the AL-82 amplifiers is on standby when I am in the shack, which being retired is nearly all the time.  I run 1500 watts output with it on RTTY.  I am not a contester any longer but am a serious DX'er.  My RTTY transmissions are short DX pileup calls, not 10 minute ragchews, which may be why the equipment has not failed.  Maybe if I were a RTTY contester or ragchewer, the results would be different.    
Certainly these AL series amps are not built like Alpha amps but they make RF power at the legal limit for far less cost.  I push the heck out of this one and don't worry about it.  If we do ever lose a tube (it has not happened yet), it won't break the bank.  These Chinese graphite tubes seem to be pretty rugged.   I can fix anything that would go wrong and can get the parts from Ameritron.  
At $1500 to $1800 on the used market for an AL-82, it is a pretty cost effective way to make legal limit power, in my experience. 
Why do I have two?  They came together in an estate sale.  One of my friends is using my spare AL-82 while the pin diodes are replaced in his  Alpha 87.  
Others may have different experiences.  Your mileage may vary.  
73 Charlie N8RR   

> Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2012 11:47:42 -0600
> From: ranchorobbo at gmail.com
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Different amp recommendations
> I have doubts about the AL82 doing 1500 watts 100% duty cycle for very long.
> Knowing the p.s. in that amp you'll be right at its limit, right at
> the Ip limit of the tubes, right at or a bit above their maximum
> dissipation...
> It's a "legal limit" amp only because Ameritron heaped up the Ep.
> But you can call almost anything "legal limit" with no time factor considered.
> Your enemy is time. do you want to go for 10 minutes or more at 1500
> w. on RTTY? Do you want to be able to forget about the amp and not
> have to look at it nervously every 15 seconds to make sure it's okay?
> Personally, I like overbuilt stuff.
> you can beef up the AL-82 in some ways and settle for 1.2 or 1.3 KW,
> homebrew an amp or keep looking with more money.
> 73
> Rob
> K5UJ
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