[Amps] Clear Coat on Pi-Net Coil

Wayne Rogers n1wr at chesapeake.net
Sat Feb 11 08:55:34 PST 2012

Still working on my 4-1000 linear.  I have the pi-net coil wound with #10 
enameled wire on a 3.5" diameter ceramic form.  Right now I have the wire 
separated (between turns) with a .1" nylon line, but I want to remove the 
nylon line and fix the wires on the form.  In the old days we used varnish 
for this.  Question - what's the best approach now-A-days?  I have Krylon 
clear spray - will that work?

Thanks all for the good advice offered on this reflector.  It has bee na 
great help to me.

Wayne N1WR 

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