[Amps] Big tube for sale

Hsu hsu4qro at gmail.com
Wed Jan 4 04:31:10 PST 2012

I have a NOS brand new 4CX5000R(FU101F) and a FU-832F for sale.
  FU-832F  similar 4CX10000J, but more cathode power (7.5V/123A) 
and smaller heat sink( same as 4CX5000R) , It was design for 10kW AM  
transmitter to replace a pair 4CX5000R.FU-101F, $480, FU-832F $680.
If you pick up 2 tubes,   I pay the shipping.
I have  a brand new dead FU-101F, if you pay the shipping, it as gift to buyer.
I only do a 10kV hi-pot test now , I can return these tubes to the manufacturer and test it.
But needs  a little cost.


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