[Amps] Length of coax from xcvr to amp affecting input swr.

R. Morris robrk at nidhog.net
Thu Jan 5 15:33:49 PST 2012

On 01/02/2012 05:33 PM, Glen Zook wrote:
> There was a later Service Letter, not a true Service Bulletin put out rescinding this requirement.
> > From what I understand, Art Collins told Warren Brune to "fix" the need for the 20.5 foot long cable like was required for the 30S-1.

Mine is a late RE. Can't get behind the desk, at the moment, to check SN.

I've used any length on hand with no issue. Maybe they did something to 
the tuned input or the manual writer just grabbed the
20.5 number from the 30S1.

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