[Amps] Overdrive protection / simple remedy

Jim Thomson jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Jul 28 04:26:29 PDT 2012

Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2012 11:30:38 +0930
From: "Leigh Turner" <invertech at frontierisp.net.au>
Subject: Re: [Amps] Overdrive protection / simple remedy
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Message-ID: <20120728014210.035EC230345 at mail.aitel.com.au>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Excellent solution Bert: always guaranteed to work and set a hard-limit on
the misbehaving / overshooting rig's max power output; and ensure that the
Po can NEVER go above what it is set for to drive the linear amp.


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
Behalf Of Bert Almemo
Sent: Saturday, 28 July 2012 11:12 AM
To: 'Joe Subich, W4TV'; amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] Overdrive protection

There is a simple solution. I use a 9V battery and a pot to set an
appropriate/fixed ALC voltage to my 746 for the drive power I want. Works
like a charm and no overshoots.

73 Bert, VE3NR

###  Nothing new here Leigh !   I heard about the 9v battery and 50 k pot idea  back in the mid 70’s 
It works damn good too, even these days with newer xcvrs.   IE’  adjust the pot  for say 86.5 watts....and
scream all you want, with mic gain fully CW..and u will get exactly  86.5 watts po. 

##  u don’t have to wait to develop alc  inside the xcvr, to throttle the po  to 86.5 watts  on a 200 w xcvr,
simply cuz the 9 v battery + 50 k pot has already developed the alc  voltage  for you.  IE:  zero time constant !

### array solutions  uses the 9 V battery + pot in their power master wattmeters  to shut down the xcvr, in
an alarm condition, like high swr, etc.  that works better than opening off the key line and hot switching stuff.
In that case, pot is adjusted such that the XCVR puts out ZERO watts. 

.###   The alc in the Drake L4B is front panel adjustable. BUT its made for the drake  t4XC  TX..and nothing else !    
  If u want to use a L4B  amp with a drake TR-7 xcvr,OR say a Drake L7 amp with a drake T4XC  TX.. then you 
HAVE to  change one cap in the amp in each case. 

##  The  ALC time constant in the amp HAS to match with the alc time constant in the xcvr.... AND the  alc HAS 
to be  adjustable.    Hence the right timing cap has to be used  for any given xcvr- amp combo.  The alc was used
back in the 70’s  simply cuz all tube radios back then had NO power output control.. ( and a mic gain is NOT a po
control).    Now that all worked cuz a drake tx put out 120 w..and the amp needed 100w. 

##  It doesn’t work, when trying to use a swan 700CX  to drive a  SB-200. 

##  For CW..my yaesu  1000-D  has a front panel DRIVE control.   Just set it so ALC is either zero. or barely moves  with
XXX watts out. 80 watts out and zero alc is cleaner  than  80 watts out and globs of alc showing

##  on  my yaesu MK-V... there is a drive control for TX... for each band, in the menu.  Same deal for cw.  turn the tx gain
DOWN, such that alc is either zero, or very little  for  XXX  watts out.  Factory  default is set WAY too high  for each band. 

##  On ssb mode, either use the 9v battery + 50 k pot trick ( and feed the  NEG  0-9 vdc   into the xcvr alc jack)   and OR
use an outboard  audio  nolise gate-downward expander- compressor- limiter-distortion cancelled clipper set up. 
With that, its easy to get 1500w pep out ..AND loads of talk power...AND have  ZERO alc showing on the xcvr !! 

##  I can set the po  control to 200w pep out on the MK-V..and tweak the outboard audio gear such that   pep out
is exactly 80 w pep.   Of course, zero alc. 

##  for u folks with a yaesu MK-V... there is  three  power levels in the menu.   10-75-200 watts.   Each  has its own pot
for calibration.   I found that each pot will indeed  allow me to tweak from 3-200 watts.   I took the “75” watt  option
in the menu..then tweaked its calibration pot so its now  100w max.   By doing this, the po control now becomes 2-100watts,
which is a lot better than using the  2-200 watt menu option.    I have also seen folks take the “10” watt menu option...
and tweak its pot for 45 watts max.. or  say 30 watts max, etc. 

##  for best imd, use Class A... or  if using class AB...find the po  that produces min IMD..which may well be like 60-80% of 
max power.    Then if its still too much po... then add some padding.   IE:   min imd is say 130 watts on a 200w xcvr. 
But we only need 65w to drive the 8877...so use  a 3db pad  and run the radio at 130w pep out. 

Later...... Jim  VE7RF 

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