[Amps] Dedicated RF

Dan Simmonds info at dedicatedrf.com
Sun Jul 29 16:59:30 PDT 2012

Gary, this is a myth, quite frankly, saying the days of this tube are 
numbered. Do you have facts to back this up?

 From experience I'll share with you that I can cut a Purchase Order to 
Eimac (CPI) tomorrow for any number of 3CPX800 tubes and receive them 
about 90 days later. No-one in Palo Alto, CA has mentioned anything to 
me about stopping production of this model.

I'm trying hard not to turn this into an advertisement, but for 
comparison, we sell the identical tubes you mention (CPI / Eimac) for 
under $700 new - and my invoiced cost per-tube from CPI is well below this.

Genuine Eimacs - not Chinese, etc.

Dan  KK3AN

Gary K9GS wrote:
> Well, my point is that I'd be happy to see some 
> experimentation/development in SS amps, instead of another commercial 
> amp using hideously expensive tubes.  Let's face it, the days of the 
> 3CX800 are numbered.  Why introduce a commercial product with expensive 
> and, potentially in the near future, hard to get tubes?  Other than a 
> handful of ham radio amplifiers, is there any commercial application for 
> 3CX800s other than replacement parts?
> If you're going to introduce a tube amp at least pick some reasonably 
> priced tubes.  The Alpha website lists a pair of 3CX800's at $2100.00.  
> That's almost 1/3 of the selling cost of this amp.

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