[Amps] PL-259 and SO-239 cable attachments

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Wed May 2 14:15:26 PDT 2012

Another question if I may that's very easy but not to me yet. If I use a
larger coax 'tween my exciter and my amp will that give a lil more
output ?  
I am using the smaller coax now that Alpha supplied when I bought my
89  years ago.   
Just wondering.

Wow, you bought an Alpha 89 years ago?  I didn't know Dick was that old.

Seriously, I doubt it.  Alphas are pretty low-drive amplifiers that for
the most part don't even need 100W drive.  The ones I've owned will run
full power with 40-60W drive, so why worry about 1/4 dB in the
interconnecting cable?


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