[Amps] interesting statement in Dishtronix

Jerome Kaidor jerry at tr4.tr2.com
Mon Nov 19 18:02:14 EST 2012

Leigh Turner wrote:
> Turning on a tube amp and waiting for the heaters to warm up seems like an
> inordinate amount of time when you hear that rare DX station calling CQ; the
> solid-state amp being instantly ready for service!
*** That's one of the main advantages of an old-fashioned 811A linear like the
30L-1.  Flip the switch, and you have full power about a second later.

Running an 'L1 on RTTY seems abusive though.   That's why I obtained my Alpha

A full-legal-limit SS amp would definitely be cool.  Are you using the Freescale

                         - Jerry, KF6VB

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