[Amps] Valve book phillips

Bob bobt at iafrica.com
Mon Nov 26 11:58:50 EST 2012

Hi to the group,
                                I'm not sure if it is any use to anyone
but..I have a Phillips data book on transmitting tubes for communication,
section Tetrodes and pentodes and associated accessories. It contains the
full data sheets from PB2/200's through QQE06/40's into the water cooled
30kW output  YL1010's the 4cx250b equivalent QEL2/275 etc. with 807 and 813
equivalents  along the way. It would be a lot to scan if someone hasn't done
it already but if there are any requests I would be happy to either scan the
odd section or send the book to someone who will.
Regards Bob ZS6BXI

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