[Amps] 77Sx filter cap? Still need the Dahl internal

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 06:35:57 EDT 2012

That must have been the bulk capacitor purchase that Paul W9AC
mentioned from Condenser Products in  Florida.

He mentioned it a month or two ago and the information should be in
the List archive.





On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 10:49 PM, Gary Smith <Gary at ka1j.com> wrote:
> I'm still looking for an internal Dahl transformer for the 77SX but
> I'm also looking for a filter cap for the 77SX that is greater than
> 4KV.
> A couple replies from requests I've placed on the on-line for-sale
> forums have mentioned there was a group buy of caps here for the
> 77D/S family but I haven't gotten any uF or KV ratings or where to
> get one ar a nor rip price.
> I've been considering the ND7S board & using a bank of 10 450 or 500V
> 105C electrolytics but I'd rather have the one oil filled to do the
> job.
> Idears?
> Gary - KA1J

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