[Amps] AL-1500 filter caps

Dave Hachadorian k6ll at arrl.net
Thu Oct 18 00:41:31 EDT 2012

A friend's AL-1500 started blowing fuses after the two minute 

I isolated the problem to the filter cap board.  After pulling 
the board, I found that two or three caps had vented their guts 
onto the board.

I called Ameritron, and had the following conversation:
me - I need a set of 8 filter caps for an AL-1500
him - I assume you want the equalizing resistors too?
me - Hmm, I didn't even look at those.
him - the resistors usually go first, taking out the caps
me - ok, send the resistors too.
him - do you want just the parts, or the whole board?
me - Hmmm, how much is the whole board?
him - $20 more than just the parts
me - ok send the whole board
him - Ok that will be $167 including shipping.

I think that's pretty good service.  I went back and checked the 
equalizing resistors, and several were open, or way off value. 
It was a good catch for him to mention the resistors.  I might 
have missed that.  Those guys do know their product.  It was nice 
to get a fully populated board for only $20 more than just the 

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Yuma, Arizona



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