[Amps] Look at this Custom 10kW Amp

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Thu Apr 11 15:56:57 EDT 2013

> On 4/11/2013 8:23 AM, Carl wrote:
>> Putting the rules aside for a moment,
> On what justification?

Certainly not yours which doesnt count anyway.

>> who has a higher ERP, the 10KW to a vertical in a restricted subdivision
> The resulting RFI to home entertainment systems would make that a recipe 
> for a lynch mob!  Fair-Rite would love you!

How is 8.2dB more going to make much of a difference? I run no more than 
1200W so this is not about me....or you.

>> or the station with 1500W to stacked monobanders?
> Are you suggesting that someone who has to have a monster amp to make him 
> feel big will be satisfied with anything less than a monster antenna?

I asked a question and if you cant answer than keep your mouth shut. This 
formum doesnt need judgemental loudmouths.


> On 4/11/2013 5:16 AM, Jim Thomson wrote:
>> How about all you olks with 200 foot towers
> Which olks are you talking about?  My highest gain antenna is a 3-el 
> SteppIR, and although I live in the heart of contesting country, I don't 
> know of any 200 ft towers, nor do I know about any 3-el 80M Yagis at any 
> height, let alone 200 ft!
>> reduce your power by 15 db, so the playing field within the sandbox gets 
>> leveled for the 1st time in 30 years.
> Although I do most most of my contesting with a legal limit amp, I 
> recently ran ARRL SSB DX and CQ160CW QRP (5 watts). I've also worked some 
> DXpeditiions QRP. That will give you a different perspective. :)  It will 
> also give you greater respect for the guys who have put together good RX 
> capability, both by working on their antennas and by chasing down and 
> killing local noise!  And it will make you a better operator.
> 73, Jim K9YC
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