[Amps] Hole Flow

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Aug 28 16:48:48 EDT 2013

On 8/28/2013 1:20 PM, Fuqua, Bill L wrote:
>    Holes can not be used to explain the physics behind operation of vacuum tubes.
> As an example you have to some how make a hot filament a absorber of holes and then how do
> you explain plate dissipation. The kinetic energy of a hole striking the cathode somehow generating
> heat on the anode. Even physicist explain the operation of vacuum devices in terms of electrons.
>    Similarly, you can't explain the operation of antennas in terms of photons. You have to use
> EM theory to do so.
>    Conventional current flow is simply used due to mathematical convenience.
> Ben Franklin had a 50-50 chance of getting it right and he had an unlucky day.
> It is too bad that he did not make the opposite choice.

Ol' Ben was just ahead of his time coming up with a way to trace 
semiconductor circuits even before the vacuum tube.


Roger (K8RI)

> 73

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