[Amps] Commander 2500 Magnum

Don Kessler ki6sz at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 7 13:27:33 EST 2013


The HV transformer should have plugs on the primary and secondary 
windings.  Simply unplug the HV transformer secondary and there will be 
no high-voltage.

If my memory serves me correctly, the way I designed it (~5 years ago), 
I had one choke was for 160-40m, the other for 20m and above. The switch 
that controls the vacuum relay (which switches the chokes) is located on 
the bandswitch shaft, between the front panel and the actual RF deck 

I thought there should have been an index hole punched in the front 
panel to retain correct sequencing of the selection of anode chokes, but 
because the hole would have been visible given the size of the 
bandswitch knob, and so my input was ignored/not followed...  The 
problem is that the anode choke sequencing switch is only held in 
position by friction (and the tightness of the corresponding machine 
nut).  If (when) the nut eventually loosens up, the anode choke 
sequencing will be affected...

I no longer have any of my design documentation/notes -- sorry.

Good luck.

On 02/07/2013 03:25 AM, Jim Smith wrote:
> Hi Art
> I've got a Palstar HF 2500/HF 2500 Magnum owner's manual   Rev 2.3 12 
> Nov 2009.
> According to pg. 23, Tuned Input drawing, the plate choke relay is 
> energized on 10, 15 and 20.  Well, it appears to be.  The band-switch 
> wafer which selects the various input networks is nowhere to be found 
> on the drawings.
> I also have Rev 2.4  04 Mar 2010 which I found on the net.  Shows the 
> same thing.
> I could send it to you but it's over 6 MB.  You should be able to find 
> it by googling palstar hf2500 manual
> Can't help you with the rest of it.
> 73, Jim`VE7FO
> On 2/5/2013 1:57 PM, Sellers wrote:
>> I was changing bands during  a contest recently and didn’t put the 
>> AMP in stby.  Well I arced the tune cap.
>> Nice glob of metal.  I replaced the cap with a new one from Oren 
>> Elliott.  All went till I tried to tune up on
>> 20,15,and 10.  160,80,and 40 work fine, 1500 watts on them all. On 
>> the upper bands it will only output
>> 500 watts at best.
>> The final have to RFC chokes, one that covers 160 thru 20 and the 
>> other for 15 and 10.  The schematics for this
>> beast are lacking at the best, built by Palstar, I’m wondering if the 
>> 15 and 10 RFC is also enabled on 20, the schematics
>> show only 15 and 10.  Does anyone have experience with 2500 Magnum 
>> and if there is a way to defeat the HV
>> and get the control circuits operating so as to test the HV RFC relay?
>> Art W3TZ
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