[Amps] Henry transformer

Shagbark Acres gbenko at prodigy.net
Mon Jul 29 12:03:44 EDT 2013

Yup...  and Henry Power generator manuals are known for errors and omissions in specification. 
I would suspect they up'd the plate voltage and corrected that entry, but not the transformer part number to the ECA-1214A
or they listed the EC-1028 incorrectly.
In looking at the manual I have that covers the 1500D, 2000D, 2500D and 3000D, the EC-1028 is listed as the transformer for all models with plate voltages ranging from 3900 - 4200 volts... (taps?)
Time for a measurement!
73, George

From: Glen Zook <gzook at yahoo.com>
To: Shagbark Acres <gbenko at prodigy.net>; Donald Fox <taurusshoguy at yahoo.com>; "amps at contesting.com" <amps at contesting.com> 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry transformer

The Henry 2000D manual indicates a plate voltage of 4400-volts at a current of 900 mA using the EC-1028 transformer.
Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

From: Shagbark Acres <gbenko at prodigy.net>
To: Shagbark Acres <gbenko at prodigy.net>; Donald Fox <taurusshoguy at yahoo.com>; "amps at contesting.com" <amps at contesting.com> 
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2013 8:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Henry transformer

1028, 1092A 3200 VDC @ 800 ma CCS
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