[Amps] Source of Mica Caps?
km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Jun 5 19:56:42 EDT 2013
> Carl, if semi floating the grids with caps..on a GG triode is such a
> wonderful idea, then how come you will
> NEVER see it done with tubes like 8877, 3CX-3000A7, 3CX-6000A7 and
> YC-156, YC-172, GS-35B ??
> You don’t even require a suppressor with the above tubes.
** Totally different tube geometry Jim, you should be able to understand
that. Altho many 8877 and 3X3 amps use suppressors to be safe.
No trade secret hush-hush top secret KM1H designed
> suppressors required>
** No secret, anybody with even a basic understanding of amp design could
build them.
> IMO, you gotta be nuts to use grid caps + chokes on any 3-500Z amp.
** OH? So you and a few other glorified techs want to argue with experienced
engineers that designed the amps? I give them the benefit of the doubt
considering the number of Heath, Drake, KW, and other amps out there that
far exceed the very little minority that believe "if it aint broke dont fix
Besides, with the grids bonded to chassis
> with wide cu strap on any SB-220, SB-221, TL-922, L4B, henry amp etc,
> you can now stuff 4-400A/B/C tubes in there
> and they run just fine.
** Thats a quick change if 3-500's become unobtanium. With the lower gain
the 4-25/400 tubes are very stable.
The grid chokes on any L4B amp is not gonna make for a good grid fuse any
time soon, it can’t.
> The grid choke on a L4B is only .9 ohm vs the 25 ohms on a SB-220.
** This thread is about the SB-220. Plus the L-4b is a more stable
> A simple, fast HV fuse wired in front of a 50 ohm glitch resistor..and
> both wired into the B+ takes care of any anode to grid flashovers,
> blows open in less than 2 msecs. 50 ohm glitch R limits the peak fault
> current, and the HV fuse interrupts the peak fault current.
> 2nd fast HV fuse, wired between either sec of plate xfmr and FWB, protects
> the FWB + xfmr, in cases where a short occurs prior to the glitch
> resistor.
> A simple rear mount 3agc fuse holder, bayonet type, + fast grid fuse,
> makes grid protection easy on any directly heated,
> thoriated tungsten tube. ( wired between chassis + neg terminal of the
> grid meter..or grid shunt).
** M.I.C.K.E.Y. M.O.U.S.E. OK on one of your illegal amps.
> With 8877, YC-156, and any other indirectly heated, oxide typ tube,
> electronic protection is required.
** It has also been used with 3-500 amps.
> For a HB 6m amp, even if I had a case load of new chinese 572B tubes.... I
> still would not use em. Sure they will work, but are a poor
> choice for a 6m GG amp. A SINGLE GS35B on 6m, will easily run
> quadruple the power of one of your SB-200 6m conversions......and no
> suppressor
> required on the GS-35B !
** More illegal power BS from the Mouth of The North.
This has got nothing to do with running high power with bigger metal
tubes either.
** BS, its all about you.
It’s a simple case of using the right tube
> for the job. The SB-200 came out in 1964. It’s now 2013, get with the
> program.
** A. They work.
B. There are thousands of cheap SB-200's with all the hard work done.
C. Not everybody has several thousand $$$ to play with.
D. 600W is all it takes most of the time and most ops arent obsessed
about being #1.
E. They likely have better IMD than an overstressed dirty IMD Ruskie
F. At one time the SB-220 was a $300-400 amp but all the new ex CB no
coders ruined that market. Those on a budget go for the SB-200.
** My own 6M amp was built in 1963 and is all Ive needed. A converted
NCL-2000 engineering prototype that I did in 65. I paid $20 for the amp and
about the same to convert.
> later.... Jim VE7RF
** I suspect most on this forum prefer simple and legal power, not some
freak show ego trip.
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