[Amps] Unique Henry Classic VHF console amps on QTH

Jeff DePolo jd0 at broadsci.com
Tue Mar 12 11:05:10 EDT 2013

> I dont see any reason why it would not work well at 2M.
> Since it is obviously designed for the FM BCB that is where 
> the upper limit 
> was specified but that does not mean performance drops off a 
> cliff 2 MHz 
> later. This holds going well back into the glass tubes of the 
> 40's and even 
> the current QRO favorite, the YC-156, all work well on 2M.
> Henry most likely got full blessings from Eimac if they 
> indeed used it on 
> the 3002B.
> Of course the A models used the 8877.
> Carl
> KM1H

There was an article published (Handbook?  QST?  QEX?) for homebrewing a 2m
kilowatt-class amp using the 3CX1200Z7/YU-181.  I'm wondering how close the
Henry design is to that.

The Z7 is a nice tube for HF and low VHF, damned near impossible to kill.
Too bad they've gotten to be so pricey.  I found one company that says they
will rebuild them (can't think of who it is off the top of my head), but
haven't tried them.

					--- Jeff WN3A

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