[Amps] BAD DEAL STAY AWAY! / an alternative source

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 06:16:22 EDT 2013

Look at all you guys lining up to heap abuse on some Russian guy.  I
certainly give my sympathy to the ham who lost money on the deal but
if you think the Russian has never been burned by idiots who don't
know how to treat a tube you're extremely naive.   Why do you think RF
Parts is so careful about giving a refund?   There are so many
non-technical hams out there abusing tubes you wouldn't believe it.
We can start with every ham running an AL-811H, or AL-80/A/B who
thinks he should get 1 KW out of a single 3-500Z because "MFJ says
so."   10-4 good buddy.  What about all these over driven stations in
contests.  If you want to complain about the Russian fine, but save
some for your fellow lid hams who probably ripped the guy off.


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