[Amps] Street Price on a Alpha 77 SX

David Smith w6te at msn.com
Mon May 27 23:26:45 EDT 2013

Hi Mike,
I just sold a 77SX for a sick friend of mine. It was in very good shape. It had the original plate transformer and filter caps. It also had a new pair of 8877's. it sold for $6,000.

Dave - W6TE
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> From: k9mk at flash.net
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 20:40:25 -0500
> Subject: [Amps] Street Price on a Alpha 77 SX
> Ran across a Alpha 77SX today.  
> Seller not sure what they want to ask, and I'm not sure that to offer.
> What is the range of street prices for what appears to be a clean working 2
> holer?
> Thanks in advance.
> 73's  Mike K9MK
> PS: Has anyone tried to push this amp to 6M?
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