[Amps] Measuring IMD

Chris Wilson chris at chriswilson.tv
Sat Nov 2 18:57:14 EDT 2013

> Thanks to Leigh and Colin for their suggestions. 

> Browsing around on eBay I found an older HP analyzer model 3585a for a
> pretty good price so I bought it. Covers 20 Hz to 40.1 MHz which is all I
> need although the instruction manual is 378 pages!!. 
> Hope it does the job.

> Didn't have to mortgage the house either.  :-)

> 73, Bill W6WRT

02/11/2013 22:49

For normal transmitter testing I use the free software Audacity
to create a two tone signal. My sound card is a Delta 44 and is good
enough for these sorts of tests. The fun starts should you want to
test IQ type transceivers like Softrocks as you need a different type
of tone generation method. I have found IQOut to be excellent for
these tests. I bought an old but still gold HP spectrum analyser and
so long as it doesn't go horribly wrong it can still hold ts own with
current stuff.  Audacity is easy to find, IQOut a little harder,
it's at:


Here are some quick IMD tests of a little Softrock
transceiver I built.


       Best Regards,
                   Chris Wilson.


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