[Amps] Discrepencies in Pi-net calculators

Steve Flood kk7uv at bresnan.net
Tue Nov 19 21:24:46 EST 2013

I've been working through some Pi-network design for an input tuning network
recently and have tried out several online calculators as well as
traditional formulas and  common software.  Using the same input variables
for each tool, I generated three very different results.


For Rin = 50 ohms, Rout = 135 ohms, f=28.03 MHz, Q=2.7


Group 1:  Tonne's PI-EL software, ARRL Handbook formulas, and Jim Hawkins
online Java Radio Calculator.

Cin = 93pF, L=457nH, Cout=79pF


Group 2:  VK1OD online calculator, electronicdesign.com calculator, and
raltron.com calculator.

Cin = 307pF, L=251nH, Cout=194pF


Group 3:  EEweb.com calculator, VK2ZAY online calculator, and Impedance
Matching Network Designer online calculator (sandiego.edu).

Cin=163pF, L=383nH, Cout=113pF


So then, you can see my dilemma here.   Why are these so different? And why
the common groupings?


Steve, KK7UV

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