[Amps] Command Technologies HF-2500

Brian Sarkisian, KG8CO cqkg8co at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 26 11:56:59 EST 2013

I recently picked up an Command Technologies HF-2500.  It is model number 222
so it been around for a while.

I have a few questions concerning the amp.

1.  I have seen a couple HF-2500 users guides.  One guide said the plate voltage
should idle around 2,400 volts and the other said 2,600 volt.  The meter on the
amp says it is sitting around 2,300 volts.  

Is that OK ?

2. I also notice while tuning the amp, the case resonates the hum of the power transformer.  We would there be any issue placing 4 insulating bushings between the power transformer and the case ?

3. I have read the amp will also operate in 17 and 12 meters.   I haven't tried 12 meters yet, but am
only able to get about 500 watts out on 17.  Any ideas, and would any one have initial tuning settings
for 12 and 17 meters.

Thank you

Brian, KG8CO

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