[Amps] query re no-ground AC wall socket and amp

TexasRF at aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Mon Oct 14 13:45:41 EDT 2013

Charles, I don't have a direct answer to your question but do have some  
information that might help.
All of the big Ameritron amplifiers use the same Dahl style plate  
transformer. These transformers have dual 120vac primary windings. They can be  
connected in parallel for 120v or in series for 240v operation.
When connected in series, a virtual center tap is present that can be wired 
 to derive 120vac for the filament transformer or blower if needed.
Gerald K5GW
In a message dated 10/14/2013 10:31:06 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
k4vud at hotmail.com writes:

I am  still asking............

1.  The AC supply on the wall socket is  two-pin with one side hot and the 
other side NEUTRAL, not ground.  There  is no ground.
2.  Which of the two pins is hot?  That is not  known.
3.  Voltage is 220VAC measured from one pin to the  other.

4.  Question....  given the info from Lou et  al, what are the 
consequences, if any, to plugging these Ameritron amps  into this kind of 
AC supply ??     That is with the two-pin  plug turned EITHER WAY upon 

Please try again for me and  my Thailand friend with a blown rig.  tnx 73

Charles  Harpole
k4vud at hotmail.com   

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