[Amps] More on two pin 220vac

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Tue Oct 15 12:32:50 EDT 2013

> On 10/14/2013 09:16 PM, Charles Harpole wrote:
>> Sorry to belabor this some, but if we read Mr. Parascondola's first  
>> message about the presence of voltage inside some Ameritron  
>> amplifiers, he seemed to say that it did matter which side of the  
>> hot and neutral of the two-wire supply 220ACV was connected to the  
>> amplifier AC input.  Does it matter?

It would matter if someone were foolish enough to work on that  
amplifier with it still plugged into a outlet that had a 50/50 chance  
of the common going through the amp's on/off switch.


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