[Amps] Keying Kenwood TL922 with Yaesu FT1000D (both old guys)

Paul Christensen w9ac at arrl.net
Sat Oct 19 16:54:46 EDT 2013

> Anyone could me put in the right way for next coming contest.
> Witch connection plug I best use on the back of the FT1000D for keying
this old TL922.
> I saw that the Tl922 keying system has been modified so it could be keyed
by means of a low power transistor. The keynig system of the FT1000D could 
not be damage by this setup !


>From your description, the TL922 has been modified with some form of 
soft-key device.  However, check the amp's open key line voltage to ensure 
it's not more than about +30V.  The FT-1000 series uses a low Vceo-rated 
transistor like the 2N3904.  When I owned my FT-1KD and FT-1KMP, I modified 
the key line transistor to a 2N5551 that has a Vceo rating up around +160V. 
Today, I would try and sneak-in a Clare CPC1978 or Avago ASSR series 
photoMOS solid-state relay.

Specific to your question, you can either engage the noisy amp relay on the 
FT-1000 or utilize the TX GND line on the Band Data connector.  If you use 
the latter, you may need to enable the connector's Tx En line.  Digging back 
in my memory from 20 years ago, I recall it's possible to forgo use of the 
enable line as long as the connector shell is not used.  Yaesu did not think 
about other amp manufactures when they designed the FT-1K series.

Paul, W9AC

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