[Amps] 811H pops fuses

William Turner dezrat1242 at wildblue.net
Mon Jan 20 02:45:10 EST 2014

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

n 1/19/2014 7:46 PM, Tom Osborne wrote:
> Well - found the problem.  Got 2 shorted filter caps.


Not wanting to second-guess you Tom, but that's a little suspicious, 
although not impossible.

First are you sure they are shorted? Did you disconnect everything from 
them so they are "floating"? And second, what is the actual ohms 
measurement? Even a good electrolytic will not show an open circuit. 
There is always some high value of resistance.

I spent 20 years troubleshooting things with electrolytic caps in them. 
It's easy to be fooled. Been there, done that.

73, Bill W6WRT

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