[Amps] Cool Amp Silver Plating

Vic Rosenthal K2VCO k2vco.vic at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 13:59:46 EST 2014

   When I was in college, I brought a coil to the chemistry department and
   talked to some of the professors about silver plating it. The one who knew
   the most about it explained that it required silver cyanide, and indicated
   that he wasn't going to fool with it!

   On 2/28/2014 9:33 PM, Roger (K8RI) wrote:

     On 2/28/2014 8:51 PM, Fuqua, Bill L wrote:

        I know cyanide is used in gold plate solution but not aware of it
     silver plating.
     It seems that silver chloride is the main ingredient.

     Silver chloride is used in ion exchange, or flash plating. It may be used
     in electroplating, but  I never used it in electroplating.
     Silver  cyanide  is  used in smooth electroplating, (electronic and
     decorative) the most common form of plating..
     Silver Nitrate is also used in electroplating, but produces a rough,
     crystalline surface and is only used in industry AFAIK.
     Cyanide solutions are dangerous!  Extremely dangerous. It only takes a
     drop of something acetic to release cyanide gas which is odorless and
     colorless. Observe all safety precautions in the MSDS for the chemicals
     used and use in a properly ventilated area.  I did all my work in a fume
     I did all the silver plating for the company I worked for in the early
     days, a good 50 years ago.
     Roger (K8RI)



   Vic, K2VCO

   Fresno CA



   1. http://www.qsl.net/k2vco/

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