[Amps] Commander 2500 Pi Coil Toroid

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at wildblue.net
Mon Mar 17 10:52:31 EDT 2014

ORIGINAL MESSAGE:          (may be snipped)

On 3/16/2014 7:50 PM, Jim W7RY wrote:
> The owner of this amplifier melted it down on 40 and 80 meters RTTY contesting. As did K1TTT.


As did I, twice!

A fellow at the factory said the HF-2500 should be limited to 1 kW on 
160/80/40 for RTTY contesting. The toroid is not in circuit above 40 so 
full legal limit is OK there. He also said this failure was the main 
reason the Magnum version was developed.

I sold mine and homebrewed an amp with only traditional copper coils. No 
problems since.

73, Bill W6WRT

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