[Amps] Dentron Amp

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Sun Oct 19 20:43:55 EDT 2014

Ha. Lovely. I thought you would have done it.

Thanks and cheers from the left coast, downunder.


On 20/10/2014 8:25 AM, Carl wrote:
> The MLA is more compact than the L but the Ameritron will fit left to 
> right behind the tank coil. The input resistor has to be moved to 
> under the relay and a 1/4" hole drilled in the steel center divider 
> which is the side the HV comes from. Its tight and you dont want the 
> choke too close and parallel to the tank coil.
> OTOH it wont buy you much overall improvement but it will replace a 
> blown original choke.
> Ive been removing 4 turns from the originals in customer amps since we 
> got the WARC's and cycle in my back up amp MLA in place of the Alpha 
> 76PA a couple of times a year...and keep the power down to 1000W and 
> the Ig low.
> The DTR-2000L does the same for the LK-500ZC at the other station.
> Yeah, I like the simple amps that give me no trouble (-;
> Carl
> KM1H
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alek Petkovic" <vk6apk at bigpond.com>
> To: <Amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2014 6:08 PM
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Dentron Amp
>> I was able to fit the Ameritron plate choke in my Clipperton L.
>> Dunno if it will go into the MLA but it could be worth measuring up.
>> 73, Alek
>> On 20/10/2014 5:36 AM, n8de at thepoint.net wrote:
>>> Kathy,
>>> The Dentron amp will work on 17m and 12m (not permitted on 30m), BUT 
>>> ... the RF choke MIGHT burn up if it is not modified to remove 
>>> resonances in those bands.
>>> The usual mod is to remove 2 to 4 turns from the RF choke.  It works 
>>> 99% of the time, but you must be careful to use LOW power drive and 
>>> tune to see if there are any 'fireworks'.
>>> Good luck
>>> 73
>>> Don
>>> N8DE
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