[Amps] OT - Microwave oven diodes

Gary Smith Gary at ka1j.com
Sat Apr 4 15:15:33 EDT 2015

My regrets to ask something much OT but 
I'm guessing the answer I need likely will 
be be from within this group.

My Panasonic Microwave oven stopped 
working last night. There was nothing 
unusual the last time I used it, it worked 
perfectly. It's a particularly nice & 
powerful oven with many helpful bells & 
whistles and will be expensive to replace 
so if I can fix it, I'd like to. 

It accepts AC, displaying all the 
functions it should but when engaging the 
unit to heat, it stops rotating in around 
two seconds and the display defaults to 
waiting for a command.

My first thought is an issue with the 
power supply. I located the two diodes 
number UX-F5B and can't get any reading in 
either direction with them in the circuit. 
I expected to have some reading from at 
least one of them but both show nothing on 
the Fluke.

Data sheet here


or http://tinyurl.com/nkhxxc6

I don't get a reading from the diodes in 
my HF amplifier so I guess it's the same 
issue. How do I check to see if there's a 
blown diode in this case? & of course 
there's the unknown of what initiated the 

Off list reply if you would, I don't want 
to start an OT thread.

Thanks & 73,


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