[Amps] Question on installing new Amp tube

fortra at siol.net fortra at siol.net
Mon Aug 3 17:02:02 EDT 2015

Hi Tony,

last year in july, we have bought Henry 2KD Classic
with a pair of 3-500Z for a friend S51ZZ.
Amp was produced in 1984 and have had seen rare use.
As it was stored for a couple of years, before pressing it ti full
steam, we have gettered tubes ( just heaters ) without High voltage
for cca 2 days. It works since then, without a problem...

There are several others sophisticated ways for gettering triodes,
but for us it works...down the road it might turns bad, but Tony, tubes are
anyhow 30 years old and it is great seeing them pulling 800 watts
out with moderate drive at 50 watts...

Kind regards,

Nermin S58DX

-----Izvorno sporočilo----- 
From: w4foa at comcast.net
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2015 9:13 PM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] Question on installing new Amp tube

Please forgive my ignorance.
I am going to install a new (old stock) 3-500Z in my amp. Are there 
procedures that I must follow. I've read and heard about "getting" but I 
don't have a clue what that means. I think it means "burning in" but not 
clear what the procedure should be.
Anyone help?
Thanks in advance!
Tony, W4FOA

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