[Amps] Need Zener for 2KD-3

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Mon Feb 2 18:09:44 EST 2015

Yeah. Get a string of 1N5408s or 6A10s to make up the 5.6V you want and 
stick them into the place where your 1N4561 was, except turn them around 
so that the string is forward biassed. Then stick a few thousand uF 
electrolytic cap across the entire string, to improve the dynamic 
regulation and you're back in business.

Everybody has that stuff in their junk box.

If ya wanna go a bit more fancy, you can get a small rotary switch and 
tap off different diodes to set the ZSAC exactly where you want it, for 
the mode you choose to run.

73, Alek

On 3/02/2015 4:36 AM, Bill Turini wrote:
> Folks
> I need a zener for my 2KD-3.  It's a 1N4561.  It appears that they are 
> really hard to find and exorbitantly expensive when you do.  Has 
> anyone found a source for a replacement at a reasonable cost?
> Thanks,
> Bill


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