[Amps] The genius of ham radio
Charles Henry
k4vud at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 12 01:51:45 EST 2015
Roger roger, Roger......I have read about the best science of its age swearing the Earth is flat, torturing people saying the Earth circles the Sun, and lately that objects, matter, can be in two places at the same time. "Knowledge" is a slippery thing.
My point is that the genius of ham radio, not highly financed esoteric research, is making things work, being the only way of getting a message passed, inventing cell phone systems, heck... inventing radio itself.
We have to listen to the one genius way down in the bowels of the hierarchy who keeps saying that a frozen bit of foam will puncture a big hole in the Shuttle wing or that a rubber O-ring freezes when there are icicles on the whole launch structure. Oh, go ahead and launch... what does HE know!
73, Charly
> Date: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 01:22:31 -0500
> From: k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] The genius of ham radio
> When established theory and practice don't agree the the person who
> says that, doesn't understand the theory, did the experiment wrong, or both.
> As Jim quoted: His point was that "everything 'works,' but some things
> work a lot better than others, and the results ARE predicted by
> fundamental scientific principles -
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
> On 1/12/2015 1:06 AM, Jim Brown wrote:
> > On Sun,1/11/2015 7:38 PM, Charles Henry wrote:
> >> The genius of ham radio is that hams are brave and practical enough
> >> to look THEORY in the face and then go on with WHAT WORKS. Also, to
> >> listen to Mr. Smith, nod politely, and go on with WHAT WORKS.
> >> As a lofty appliance operator, I live ham radio by WHAT WORKS, not
> >> Mr. Smith or others.
> >> That is my fun, and thank goodness for the great numbers of
> >> inventive, theory-testing/discarding real hams who MAKE IT WORK.
> >
> > I'm sure we're all glad that you are happy with ham radio as you play
> > with it. But those who think there is a difference between theory and
> > practice don't know enough about one or the other (or both). Tom
> > Schiller, N6BT, famously published his "light bulb" experiment,
> > working all continents in a short time using a light bulb as his
> > antenna. His point was that "everything 'works,' but some things work
> > a lot better than others, and the results ARE predicted by fundamental
> > scientific principles -- what you dismiss as "only theory."
> >
> > Those who pooh-pooh those fundamental principles which they don't
> > bother to learn become easy suckers for every circus-barker's dumb
> > idea that comes down the pike to suck money out of their credit cards.
> > And pursue equally dumb solutions to whatever problems they encounter
> > along the way, like hum, buzz, and RFI.
> >
> > 73, Jim K9YC
> >
> >
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