[Amps] The genius of ham radio

Jim Brown jim at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jan 13 01:53:53 EST 2015

On Mon,1/12/2015 6:56 PM, Fuqua, Bill L wrote:
> I don't know the answer. Perhaps there is a way to get the ARRL back on track.
> It takes someone in the upper ranks there who can see the Handbook for what it is
> and get seek out the authors that can contribute to it and also start serious peer
> review rather than mutual pats on each others backs.

Perhaps you (and others) should read recent editions of the Handbook 
before criticizing it. I have, and I've also contributed stuff. I know 
both the prior editor, N6BV) (now retired) and the current one, Ward 
Silver, N0AX. Both are very sharp guys, and know their stuff cold. Ward 
consistently writes excellent stuff for QST -- indeed, it's almost the 
only thing in QST that doesn't make me cringe.

Ward took over the Handbook about 4 years ago, and has been working hard 
at improving it. The latest version of the Antenna Book is is first, and 
he's hard at work on that too.

73, Jim K9YC

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