[Amps] k9yc pdf

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Tue Jan 13 18:49:26 EST 2015

Dean is an awesome guy!

He once tried to explain the math behind his analysis app ... it
was way over my head!

When I situated my tower base wrongly, so that the legs weren't
aligned with the guy anchors, he quipped something like "You can
never mess up so badly that you can't be used as a good example
how not to do things."

Then when I was having an impossible time getting my tribander up
on that tower, once the base was reset correctly & it was assembled,
he went up and did it for me.

So Carl, you planning to leave ice mountain for a cushy retirement
on a tropical island somewhere?

David KD4E

> Ive known Dean, N6BV, since he was a fresh minted EE out of Yale and
> was hired by National Radio back around 1967 or so; He then had XYL
> problems and moved to CA and in the 80's he moved back East and
> became an almost neighbor on another hill in the next town. We were
> always running antenna tests and the fact I was continually beating
> him on 10-20M (my 1200W LK500ZC to his 1500W AL-1200) led him to 
> develop the original Terrain Analyzer which was included in later
> versions of Brian Beezley's, K6STI, antenna modeling software using
> my hilltop as a model. My terrain rolloff was quite different than
> Deans and showed how well it boosted "gain" at elevation angles most
> important for chasing DX and winning contests.
> Anybody want a 5A hilltop QTH in Southern NH (Im 2 miles from MA) in
> 3-6 years or so let me know.
> Carl KM1H


Nevils, Georgia USA

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Restored to design-spec at Heaven's gate 1Cor15:22

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