[Amps] Super Cathode Driven 4CX250B

Fuqua, Bill L wlfuqu00 at uky.edu
Fri Jul 10 15:03:58 EDT 2015

  Well, I am thinking about old projects I have not gotten back to.
One is to reconstruct my 6AG7 grounded grid amplifier and the second
is to make a super cathode driven 4CX250B amplifier. I have considered 
giving it a slight bit of control grid signal, not much, in such a way that it
is easily controlled to make some measurements. 
  I have an old 2x 4CX250B plasma generator that would be easily modified
just for measurement sake. 
  All, I have left of my 6AG7 amplifier is my homebrew heat sink. 
  Now, all I have to do is get around to it. 
Bill wa4lav

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