[Amps] SB-220 6 Meter Conversion Parts

Richard Solomon dickw1ksz at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 13:55:07 EDT 2015

I was looking over my stash and see I have
some parts that might be of interest to those
contemplating converting an SB-220 to 6 Mtrs.

One item I found was some Plate Coupling Caps
of unknown origin. Only markings were CB501K
and 20 kVDC. They are Brown Ceramic and about
1" od and a tad over 1" long.

I seem to recall some talk about Russian Plate
Coupling Caps and one "color" was better than
the other.

I could not come up with anything in the Archives.
Anyone happen to remember the conversation ?

Tnx, Dick, w1KSZ

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