[Amps] GS-35b fully-submersed oil cooling

Steve Wright stevewrightnz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 19:17:21 EDT 2015

Greetings gurus!

Any comments on the proposition of completely submersing a GS-35b (with 
stock cooler attached) in a cooling bath of dry transformer oil?


Basically, I have no interest in a nasty howling centrifugal blower in 
my shack.  A quiet hum from a rubber-mounted liquid pump will be 
annoying enough.

Can the GS-35b operate at such a low temperature of 45-65 degrees C?

What effect will the oil submersion have on its' RF operating?

What will be the effect of close-housing the tubeset in a sealed alloy box?

RF discussion please.  Mechanical and/or other problems will be 
addressed later AFTER it is established that it is a viable proposition 

All constructive criticism welcome.

Steve ZL1BHD

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