[Amps] Stock up on tubes?

qrv at kd4e.com qrv at kd4e.com
Sun Dec 4 20:29:40 EST 2016

An inexpensive single device simple amp (no autotuner,
no bells & whistles) could run clean & cool at 600w?

10 dB above 100w at received end?

$200. for the device + associated electronics = under $1,000.
commercial, and under $500. homebrew?

Two devices + upgraded components for full-legal possibly
$1.00/Watt at $1,500 possible?

20dB over 100W at received end?

Or did I mess up the math ... again?

David KD4E

>> When the SS devices are as easy to use *and* and cheap enough to meet our current
>> hollow state device's price point, vacuum tubes will go the way of the
>> dodo. We're progressing rapidly towards that, but it'll be a while, yet.
> In terms of the device itself, that day is already here. The LDMOS
> devices from NXP are fully capable of replacing tubes in a legal limit
> amp and the price already beats tubes too. A pair of them that easily
> puts out 1500 watts is around $400. Compare that to an 8877.
> You can be sure designers are working hard to build the circuitry
> around them that will soon make tubes pretty much obsolete.
> FlexRadio already has a legal limit amp that is awaiting FCC approval
> using said devices and they expect approval before the end of the
> year.
> As with everything, time will tell.
> 73, Bill W6WRT

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