[Amps] SS amps and auto-tune. Is it even necessary?

Roger (K8RI) k8ri at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Dec 6 18:30:27 EST 2016

With first generation SS amps, auto tune was almost a necessity, BUT 
with the new amps?

With the current flock of transistors that can handle the wrong antenna 
or even an open circuit, auto tune is just a convenient, but expensive 
accessory.  A manual tuner will work just fine.

Of course we are still in the "if you want one, you'll have to build it 
yourself" stage.  OTOH amplifier, combiner, and LP filter kits are 
available and the cost is reasonable. IM is also on par with the best 
tube amps.

50% Vs 60%. Who cares?  They are easily water cooled without the 
headaches of water cooling a tube amp..


Roger (K8RI)

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