[Amps] Harris DX transmitters

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Sun Dec 18 15:25:36 EST 2016

> Harris has the honor of owning the DX design; their competitors use  
> PDM in their SOTA MW transmitters.
> John

The first of the Harris PDM types were the SX series.
The MW-1 was a transistor design using class A series modulation.
The MW-5 was a 4CX tube cathode modulated by a 4CX in class A
The MW-50 used a 4CX35,000 RF tube cathode modulated by a pulse width  
modulated 4CX35,000 audio tube.

The SX-1 series was "upgraded" to a simpler GATES ONE branded Harris  
Transmitter. Same with the GATES FIVE.



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